
Hypemediaa month ago

I will like on the connected device FMC130 from teltonika to send commands on the response dont want to use SMS gateway.

The issue that I have is that I can define custom commands but I don't see any way of connecting those commands to the device and sending the info to the device.

I am very new to traccar and the docs are not matching with the real screens.

Track-tracea month ago

From the Device popup menu on the map you can click on the Up Arrow (at the bottom of the popup). There you select custom command and insert your command and click on sent.

You can also create Saved Commands so that you just create a command once, then link it to your device (or group) and then just use those from the popup menu.

To connect saved commands to a device you just go to the device in Settings / Devices and at the far right you click on connections. From there your can select the saved commands by just clinking on those to link it.

Hypemediaa month ago

Hi, thanks for you answer. In the docs on the connections view there is a save button at the end. In the real app there is none.
Also if I select the saved commands those are not available when I click on the Up Arrow. Any ideas?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

What types of commands are you using? And what protocol does your device use?

Anton Tananaeva month ago

Why do you want to use saved commands in the first place. Please provide full context.

Hypemediaa month ago

the device is a teltonika FMC130 I want to use the immobilizer command to test if I can disable the car starter ( I have an relay on one of the digital out ports). The device is using codec 8 extended.

Anton Tananaeva month ago

I think you skipped some of the questions.

Hypemediaa month ago
Anton Tananaeva month ago

I'll ask one more time to provide all the relevant information, like what type of command you're using in Traccar etc.

Hypemediaa month ago

Sorry but is not clear to me what you are asking me. The command is:
"secoon" - to activate SECO functionality.
"secooff" - to disable SECO functionality.

Hypemediaa month ago

Actually the custom command is:
setparam secoff
setparam secon

Anton Tananaeva month ago

On your earlier screenshot I see "setversion" and "identification". Something doesn't add up here. Anyway, I see you're not very interested because you provide only small bits of information without providing full context and all details upfront.

Hypemediaa month ago

Hi again is not my intention to waste your time but don’t understand what information you want. In the screen I saved just 2 commands to see that something is working. What I want to achieve is to send the secon or secoff command via gprs and not SMS.

I am trying to understand how to send the command with traccar.

Anton Tananaeva month ago

If you want to find out how to send commands, it probably doesn't make sense to send random unrelated information. Pick a single command and do a full screen recording from zero.

Hypemediaa month ago

Ok will do that and post it here tomorrow