we are stuck on sending GPRS commands

Ahmad Makki13 days ago

we are sending a command getgps protocol name teltonika but we received a response in api {id: 0, attributes: {data: " getgps"}, deviceId: 488, type: "custom", textChannel: false,…} this,
and show logs on server this "id: 864636062478215, command type: custom sent" , not received command reply,
I need your guidance on how we could receive response from server and log into logs

Anton Tananaev13 days ago

Have you checked HEX data in the log to see if the command was sent and response received?

Cristian13 days ago

are you sending the command with spaces before?

I ask this because I see the spaces, in teltonika when you send an sms and the device has no user or password you must add 2 spaces before, but when you send it from Traccar it is not necessary.

Ahmad Makki12 days ago

@anton i just received this on server logs

2024-05-07 05:04:57  INFO: [T8f7dba43] id: 354018114033321, command type: custom sent
2024-05-07 05:04:57  INFO: [T8f7dba43: teltonika >] 00000000000000120c01050000000a20206765746770730d0a010000fb9a
Ahmad Makki12 days ago

@cristian can you please tell me how you send a GPRS command trough traccar FrontEnd to device,

Ahmad Makki12 days ago

@cristian in further elaboration to my question:
I'm sending the commands to device from live track -> device -> Send command option.
We've activated the notifications to get the reply displayed somewhere. Problem is in either case, with username or password or with , device isn't responding to us or we're unable to see/fetch the reply of device.

Anton Tananaev12 days ago

If device is not response, you should probably contact your device vendor for support.

Cristian12 days ago

Ahmad Makki I send the command getgps to the teltonika devices from the popup and everything works, this is the response from the device:

Ingrid - MG ZX command result received: GPS:1 Sat:16 Lat:****** Long:****** Alt:118 Speed:0 Dir:133 Date: 2024/5/6 Time: 16:42:2 at 2024-05-06 12:41:21
(The coordinates have been edited)

Have you tried sending a text message from a mobile phone to check what Anton says, that the device is not responding.

Ahmad Makki11 days ago

@Cristian can you please tell me your flow of sending commands using popup,
because i received response from a mobile phone, but not on a popup(traccar portal),
and how you are marking the response in database???

Cristian11 days ago

I do it like this. I have never checked anything in the database regarding custom commands.

Ahmad Makki10 days ago

@Cristian i also send commands like this, but i don't received any response,
if i mistake some please identify

Anton Tananaev10 days ago

It seems like you have some extra spaces before the command.

Cristian10 days ago

I sent the command with spaces before and the response was this
unknown command or invalid format

Is the gps device reporting directly to your server or are you receiving the data from another server running an instance of Traccar?

Ahmad Makki7 days ago

@Cristian yeah we are deployed a traccar frontend and Backend separately deployed on server

Ahmad Makki6 days ago

@Cristian still waiting your response