Arduino tracker

antrea7 years ago


I have installed traccar server on my raspberry pi and it works very good! (a little bit slow to see the webpage when i reboot the the raspberry pi... but its ok)

I want to build my own tracker with an arduino and a sim808.

Which simple protocol should I use for sending data to my own traccar webservice? What do you suggest me?


Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Here is the protocol I would recommend:

jaroja44 years ago

Hi Anton.
I would like to know if there is a way to send commands from Traccar to Arduino.

Example: Send from Traccar the command to turn off the car lights

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Not through the HTTP-based protocol, but it should be possible via TCP or UDP ones.

jaroja44 years ago

Should I develop a new protocol for this?

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

On the server? No, you can use any existing one.

jaroja44 years ago

I don't know how to connect through TCP or UDP, but I'm going to investigate

Thanks Anton!