ATmega device Osmand protocol

I could already have it sent by osmand protocol and at commands, but the timestamp gives me another date as I have to put it? i use a local linux server i install traccar..

&timestamp=201702281400&hdop=2.4 .....

This way gives me another year and another date ..

Another thing .. after I published here my doubts in my LOG appeared devices that I did not test. How can that be possible? Here I leave the log my team reports to 5055 and the other is not .. and the ip

2017-02-28 02:34:38 DEBUG: [ABCD1C26: 5084 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:34:38 DEBUG: [ABCD1C26: 5084 >] HEX: 5e39
2017-02-28 02:34:38  WARN: Unknown device - ONS sip:100@X.X.X (
2017-02-28 02:34:38  WARN: Unknown device - 1330533152 (
2017-02-28 02:34:38 DEBUG: [65D60911: 5081 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:34:38 DEBUG: [E74CBCE3: 5082 <] HEX:4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [0800B61A: 5086 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [ABCD1C26: 5084 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [627212BC: 5074 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:38  WARN: Unknown device - ONS sip:100@1XX.X.X (
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [ABCD1C26: 5084 >] HEX: 5e39
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [65D60911: 5081 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:38  WARN: Unknown device - 1330533152 (
2017-02-28 02:35:38 DEBUG: [E74CBCE3: 5082 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$
2017-02-28 02:35:41 DEBUG: [ABCD1C26: 5084 <] HEX: 4f5054494f4e53207369703a313030403155332e32e315530382e35513$

2017-02-28 11:59:37  INFO: [742D56FB] connected

this is my device part-.-----------------
2017-02-28 13:46:44  INFO: [1313B2FF] connected
2017-02-28 13:46:44 DEBUG: [1313B2FF: 5055 < 1xx.x.1x.x] HEX: 474554202f3f69643d383635303637303233333935373934266c61743$
2017-02-28 13:46:44 DEBUG: [1313B2FF: 5055 > 18x.x.x.x] HEX: 485454502f312e3120323030204f4b0d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e6$
2017-02-28 13:46:44  INFO: [1313B2FF] disconnected
2017-02-28 13:46:45  INFO: [1313B2FF] id: 865067023395794, time: 1976-05-23 08:24:41, lat: -25.27841, lon: -57.50104, speed:$
2017-02-28 13:55:04  INFO: [9D17A8E4] connected
2017-02-28 13:55:05 DEBUG: [9D17A8E4: 5055 < 18x.x.148.x] HEX: 474554202f3f69643d383635303637303233333935373934266c61743d$
2017-02-28 13:55:05 DEBUG: [9D17A8E4: 5055 >] HEX: 485454502f312e3120323030204f4b0d0a436f6e74656e742d4c656e67$
2017-02-28 13:55:06  INFO: [9D17A8E4] id: 865067023395794, time: 1976-05-23 08:24:41, lat: -25.27841, lon: -50.50104, speed:$
2017-02-28 13:55:06  INFO: [9D17A8E4] disconnected
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

There are two formats that you can use for timestamp:

  1. Just a number - in this case server treats in as unix timestamp
  2. "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" - human readable format

ik thanks.another thing.. in log is ok no but in web no refresh the lon an lat and the others date.. and i agree my celphone and work correctly..

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Do you see decoded message in the log? Is the date on the message later than the date in the "state" panel?

As well as shows ...

web server


2017-02-28 23:54:38  INFO: Operating system name: Linux version: 4.4.38-v7+ architecture: arm
2017-02-28 23:54:39  INFO: Java runtime name: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM vendor: Oracle Corporation version: 25.65-b01
2017-02-28 23:54:39  INFO: Memory limit heap: 208mb non-heap: 0mb
2017-02-28 23:54:39  INFO: Character encoding: UTF-8 charset: UTF-8
2017-02-28 23:54:39  INFO: Version: 3.9-SNAPSHOT
2017-02-28 23:54:48  INFO: Starting server...
2017-02-28 23:55:47  INFO: [F58D248E] connected
2017-02-28 23:55:47 DEBUG: [F58D248E: 5055 < 1x.x.1x.21] HEX: 474554202f3f69643d3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the ip foir mi server$
2017-02-28 23:55:47 DEBUG: [F58D248E: 5055 > 1x.x.1x.x1] HEX: 485454502f312e312032the ip for mi server $
2017-02-28 23:55:47  INFO: [F58D248E] disconnected
2017-02-28 23:55:48  INFO: [F58D248E] id: 865067023395794, time: 2017-02-28 23:00:00, lat: -24.27841, lon: -53.50104, speed:$ ...........................
Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Time of the location from the log is less than the time of the "last" location, so it won't be updated. I would recommend recreating the device.

Thank you very much, Anton now if I work

Hi there!
Is there a way of entering arbitrary date and time (time older than the last location)?

This would be important in cases where signal is lost and I can save it for later "upload"... let's say I've lost 3g signal during a trip and the location is stored on SD card, some times the weak signal can send current location, but the saved data on SD card will only be uploaded when I go home and use wifi...

Just a contribution:

If used "YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS" (human readable format), the web interface will display the exact value sent(web will not consider your timezone for display values).

If used UNIX timestamp web interface will correct time according to your location (configuration).