Converting Hex Data

vasan823 years ago

How do I convert the hex data for me to consume data? Should I convert it to ASCII or text? I am not seeing the full string getting converted perfectly.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Do you want to provide the HEX in question? What device are you using?

vasan823 years ago

lets say i want to convert this Lat 0x02 0x7A 0xC8 0x87 and Lon 0x0C 0x46 0x57 0xE6 to readable format , how do i do it . I am using GT06N

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

And it's related to Traccar how?

vasan823 years ago

i am trying to find how this is being handled in traccar and converted

vasan823 years ago

i was looking at the API and seeing how it is getting converted