Device Shows Offline

Amit Mundada5 years ago

Hi Anton,

We have Ruptela EC04 devices but every now and then device shows offline where as in actual vehicle is moving, ignition is on.
We also like to see the total of the vehicle in specific areas, is it possible?
Can you please guide

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Offline means that device has disconnected from the server.

Amit Mundada5 years ago

Hi Anton,

But what can be the reason of disconnecting , in a span of 5 minute this is happening 2-3 times?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

It can be the way device works. You should really ask your device vendor about it. It has nothing to do with server.

Amit Mundada5 years ago

Hi Anton,

I will check , would also like to know if we can club the vehicles together to show the total no of vehicles?