Filter.Limit override Filter.Future

tambiu5 years ago

For those who have the same problem that I had, when the filter.limit override the filter.future, so when this happend the position is registered in the database with wrong date, so there is no more update for the device in question.
I have created a script that conect to the database and check the devices that have this wrong date and send you a mail.

mysql -uUSER-pPASSWORD DATABASE <<<'select name from tc_devices where id in (select deviceid from tc_positions where fixtime > now());' | mutt -s 'SUBJECT' mail@mail

And another script to remove this wrong positions dates.

mysql -uUSER-pPASSWORD DATABASE <<<'delete from tc_positions where fixtime > now() + interval 10 minute;' | mutt -s 'SUBJECT'