hard for me to follow these techenical words :(

hani johani6 years ago

sorry for bieng noop, I am new to this applecation and just know about it when get my first chainese GPS tracker and disaponted with its limitted use of their platform.
for the Traccar I tried to understand how to use it with my tracker but getting lost with alot of steps couldnt follow.
I watched the youtube clip and installed all the requirement apps but still didnt succed.
so is there other instruction somewhere will help me to start in better way,

please help and thanks

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

If you are not tech-savvy I won't recommend hosting your own server. You can use one of the demo servers or get a paid subscription. Then all you need to do is register device in your account with correct id (usually IMEI) and configure device to report location to the server. More info on device configuration and ports to use:
