Help to identify protocol

Ping3 years ago

Good day. I got a china brand GF-21 and tried all the ports on the china clones with no success. The SMS command is similar to TOPIN, however port 5199 also doesn't work. Below is a sample hex from the log.

2021-11-10 18:50:56  INFO: [ba5d14db: topin <] HEX: 5452564150303038363932303730333033303436363223

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It's TRV protocol.

Ping3 years ago

Thanks for your help Anton. May I know is LBS works for TRV protocol? I enabled it in config with google API, restarted server, but the position is not showing.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Looks like it's supported.

Ping3 years ago

Ok Anton. I found the LBS section in However, the GF-21 protocol seems a bit different. Will customize the code to suite it. Thanks.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Sure. Feel free to send a pull request to include those changes.

Emad2 years ago

Hi @Ping, Did you have any advances in gf-21 protocol. The Location with WIFI and LBS is also different with TRVDecoder.
This is a full wifi and lbs log:

TRVYP15220208V0000.0000N00000.0000E000.0183510000.001000000450000200004,432,35,12446,25121,00,en-us,01,HP LaserJ|6C-19-8F-BC-B7-C4|-82&Mehdipour|C8-BE-19-20-8F-5B|-80&IT-MNGerJ|48-EE-0C-44-00-6C|-60&HP-Print-|40-49-0F-68-41-2C|-79

But the TRV does not support YP15 and only have YP03.
