Hiding Traccar Instance from Search Engines

estebanmg7 months ago

I'm working to hide my Traccar instance from search engines and have taken the following steps:

  1. Added the following meta tag in the head section of the index.html file:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
  1. Placed the robots.txt file in the root web directory with the following content:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /page-to-hide/

Are these steps sufficient? Moreover, will they interfere with Traccar's operation or are they safe to implement?

Track-trace7 months ago

There are enough search Robots which ignore such code.

But anyway why should you hide it. Better focus on good security for your server. Because beside search engines there any malicious tools which roam the internet with port scans and find your open server ports anyway.

estebanmg7 months ago

We aim to be excluded from Google search results for privacy reasons, as requested by a client.

Abdullah7 months ago

You can use a not obvious subdomain, instruct robots to not crawl your site, and then provide a blank page if the site is accessed by ip (to deflect web scanners).

And remember your site sits behind a login screen, that should be sufficient.