How determine used URL in TC Manager?

Hi, I read the only way to change URL (on Android) is to clear appdata or reinstall. After changing provider and receiving new modem I have problems getting traccar going again.
About TC Manager, as per doc I first cleared app data, restarted but specifying local traccar server ip address causes "connection failed". BTW, it fails on my mobile, it works from the Windows webapp. Nothing wrong on the server side.
I then uninstalled/reinstalled and started TC manager again. To my surprise I was not presented with the screen to specify URL (as previously after clearing appdata) but directly with the server login screen. Logging in works just fine.
My questions:
How does TC Manager know server IP address after being first 'data cleared' and subsequently uninstalled?
And secondly I need to know, to resolve my modem problems, whether it is using my local or my ddns address. How do I find out?


Anton Tananaeva year ago

To my surprise I was not presented with the screen to specify URL

That's probably because you configured to back up your app configuration into your Google account. In that case all the configuration is persisted, including server URL.

Thanks Anton. But what about my 2nd question? Is there any way to find out? Any other way than cancel backup and clear appdata/reinstall? I assume I specified local ip but would like to make sure.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

I would recommend checking Google documentation. It's not really something specific to our app.

Thanks again. I only found developer java functions to manage app data. Nothing for an end user like me to view it.

Anyway, this afternoon after contact with provider, I have found out they are blocking a number of ports. 5055 for sure. The discussion became a bit unfriendly after they said that I 'should have checked this before contracting them'. So I didn't specifically ask for 8082 as well but I guess that's the same story. Is there anyway to keep using traccar client/manager in this situation?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Do you mean they are blocking your device from accessing those ports on external services? You can potentially use any other port.

I contacted them again asking which port would be available. They couldn't tell. I don't know what is happening but I do know they don't really know what they are talking about. I tried forwarding port 5055 to 5005 on my NAS. Port check says port is now open. Ergo, port 5055 is not blocked. It has something to do with their nokia fiber modem/router in combination with Rpi. Traccar server runs on a pi but I also noticed problems with homeassistant running on another rpi.

I found to install traccar server on my NAS. I'll try that.