I can't get sound on my notifications.

DaveGG2 years ago

Hello every.... first I read this, https://www.traccar.org/documentation/notifications/#web

I have created a warning notification, device online. To do this I go to map layer, configuration, notifications, select type/online device, select channel/web, and create or save it. Then I go to the device tab, settings, notifications and check it. Then, being the gps out of the traccar server, I send an sms with my ip+protocol (toppin 5199) like this Domain# xxx.xxx.xx.xxx#5199# to make it enter the traccar server. I watch the web traccar for a while until the notification appears, device online but I don't get sound, (the bell is shaded out/activated).
I thought it could be firefox that had notifications blocked, I went to settings and enabled them. I still can't get sounds in my notifications. Is it possible that it is due to using an Oracle cloud server? Could it be because of using the legacy web?
I can't think of another idea why I don't hear the notification; Previously (last year) I heard the sounds.
Any help in my search and solution will be welcome.