Ignition Engine Hours - OsmAnd client

Joystick5 years ago

I have Traccar clients that communicates to personal Traccar server with OsmAnd protocol. They are wired up to turn on when the vehicle ignition turn on and don't have a separate ignition input. I would like to record Engine Hours based on the time the client is powered on. Please assist with the correct Ignition Attribute to use online, unknown and offline event to trigger Ignition On/Off.
Or advise on better solution if possible as I am very new to this.
Thank you very much in advance.
Below are decoded messages from one of the devices:

GET /?id=U68710NGI×tamp=2019-06-16T02:15:09.1Z&lat=47.141041&lon=9.521450&altitude=9&speed=0.040000&heading=12 HTTP/1.1
Connection: keep-alive
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 0