iIssue with demo5.traccar.org server

Piotr6 years ago

there is a problem with demo5.traccar.org server.
I can't login. When I click login button, after while there is message:

HikariPool-1 - Connection is not available, request timed out after 30000ms. - SQLTransientConnectionException (... < QueryBuilder:56 < *:132 < DataManager:312 < PermissionsManager:436 < ...)

or there is login prompt over again.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I have restarted server, so it should be working now.

Piotr6 years ago

Thanks Anton, now is working again ;-)

Hi Anton
are you using autoreconnect option
If so it must be the problem right. Also you can use small pools right.
Because I am planning to try traccar into serverless lambda kind of methodology but using proxmox

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

We are using auto-reconnect.