Is there a free version of traccar for Shared Hosting?

Henrique Lucas3 years ago

Is there any version of traccar to run on a shared hosting?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Usually shared hosting doesn't let you listen on ports, so it won't be possible to receive any data from devices, unless those devices use HTTP protocol.

Henrique Lucas3 years ago

I ask this question because I noticed that a developer did something to that effect
that uses traccar to provide location data. For the demo the protocol is https qe nop my case it wouldn't be a problem to use http

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Then you can try to use shared hosting, but I don't really see a point. Why not just use a proper VPS?

Henrique Lucas3 years ago

Due to the cost of a VPN in addition to the infrastructure I would need to acquire other projects that I have to VPN. But even so I thank you immensely for the work done with Traccar is something incredible.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

There are some free VPS options out there. For example: