Mid to high range device recommendations, not OBD-II powered

Matt Walston6 years ago

Requirements are as follows:
4G, compatible with Twilio Wireless
OTA adjustable polling rate
Some kind of means to change rate of update based on movement whether GPS activity or inertial
Detection of ignition either through separate trigger or increased input voltage
High quality robust hardware that should last many years
Clean clear documentation not requiring any Windows based apps for configuration
Under $100 per device

Wishlist as follows:
Some form of input allowing for registering of button presses or toggle switch to send message (i.e. working or personal, clocked in or out)
Some means of detecting vehicle occupants, preferably through cell phones they already have but will consider NFC tags or similar

I'm looking for community input but also willing to pay a couple hours of consulting from someone qualified.

  • I'd rather not buy jelly bean devices from China on Alibaba. Nothing against China but if a company can't make a web presence, publish quality documentation and sell some devices taking a major credit card, I'm not interested in doing business with them.

Thanks in advance.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I'm not sure that what you are looking for exists. You can either have high quality or low price. You can't have both.

Matt Walston6 years ago

What price range are high quality? Last time I had conversation with people selling these I messaged a few sellers on Alibaba and found OSBII dongles around $55-60 price point and terrible documentation. $200 isn't even that bad but I don't need massive number of features and stuff for heavy truck log books, etc.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

A dumb tracker can probably be within $100 range, but you want 4G and vehicle occupants detection. Those are advanced features that are not available in most devices. If you want quality, I would recommend to check some known brands (e.g. Teltonika, CalAmp and others).

Mictrack5 years ago

Hello Matt,

Do you need the wired or OBD version, maybe Mictrack 4G GPS Tracker math with your requirement.

Our device also pass the Vodafone test:
