MySQL server scripts

Slawek3 years ago

Script to install new MySQL server and configure to work with Traccar.
First install Traccar system, next run this script as root.
If you have customized traccar.xml make backup, script make new one.
Script create root password 'root', if you want your own password edit file,
in line 6, PASSWORD='root', root change for your own password, also
change line 53, <entry key='database.password'>root</entry> for the same password.

Install MySQL script

Install MySQL script

Script for reinstall MySQL server. Use gently, will remove MySQL server
and all existed MySQL databases.
First install Traccar system, next run this script as root.
If you have customized traccar.xml make backup, script make new one.
Script create root password 'root', if you want your own password edit file,
in line 6, PASSWORD='root', root change for your own password, also
change line 60, <entry key='database.password'>root</entry> for the same password.

Reset MySQL script

Reset MySQL script