newbie in traccar

Gafar Yahya6 years ago

hey there firstly am super amazed by the work you achieved here a lot <3 you can tell that am new at this section of technology (GPS , and managing maybe all the related servers and web application and mobile ones ) but The best is the best .... thanks a lot for every things literally ....
so here i am wondering if you can guide me about what am intend to achieve is as fellow i want to setup some of the GPS Tracker by satellite and on the back end am intending to customize the server as my needs and also the web app , that all what i want to achieve so please guide me maybe if its possible to do that on my own or not after i took a closer look at you Docs which by helpful a lot for me but a guide from expert is all what i need while my ideas still on paper till now so PLEASE HELP thanks a lot a lot with all my appreciates and respects <3

GPS Track6 years ago

How are you friend, Traccar is really molded for any need you have, I did it, I have a front developed in angular. I recommend you

Gafar Yahya6 years ago

hi fine hope you r fine too , thanks for your time ....
that is really great but am wondering if i can add a GPS satellite device tracker to the server and how to configure it ??? please guide me or show me where to start from as a start

Ed Ainscow6 years ago