Omni UB8X Device

Hi Anton,

I have a Omni UB8X bought.

I receive the hex and decode it for this:


How can I add this device in traccar server?

The 3 HEXs I receive:

HEX: 2a53434f522c4e472c3836383032303033303337303733372c4c302c302c302c31353633383838353139230a
HEX: 2a53434f522c4e472c3836383032303033303438353639312c4c302c302c302c31353633383835383137230a
(heartbeat) HEX: 787811010355951092024517360800090012a4fe0d0a
Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Looks like XRB28 protocol.

Thanks it worked!!! Do you know the command to unlock/lock in this protocol?

I am receiving this:

2019-10-15 14:05:12  INFO: [c2ae6d8b: xrb28 <] HEX: 787811010355951092024228360800090082e7ad0d0a
2019-10-15 14:05:12  WARN: [c2ae6d8b] error - begin 9, end 24, length 19 - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (... < Xrb28ProtocolDecoder:71 < ExtendedObjectDecoder:51 < ... < WrapperContext:102 < ...)
2019-10-15 14:05:12  INFO: [c2ae6d8b] disconnected
2019-10-15 14:05:13  INFO: [f7872a13: xrb28 <] HEX: 2a53434f522c4e472c3836383032303033303438303134382c4c302c302c302c31353636343339333639230a
2019-10-15 14:05:13  WARN: Unknown device - 868020030480148 (

Maybe it is this the reason it does not show gps position?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Obviously if you don't register device it won't show anything. Also, first of the two samples you have there is using GT06 protocol, so it's not even correct port.

Artiom4 years ago

Good day. Tell me please where I can download aplication to reset omni ub8x? Im contact with omni, and has a problem. thank you for help

Artiom4 years ago

Может Вы говорите по русски и сможете мне обьяснить или подсказать где скачать по для того чтобы подключится к устройству? Спасибо буду блогодарен.