please help... this protcol is strange...

Daniel Solis6 years ago


I have a new device tk 116 has a strange protocol
please help me.. i dont know this protocol

2018-02-02 01:47:43 DEBUG: [6ADACED7:5002 <] 283038383034373339363535364252303031383032303241303230392e3993337365330373935352e33303539573030302e303031313031323030302e303030303030303030304c303030303030303029
2018-02-02 01:47:43  INFO: [6ADACED7] id: 088047396556, time: 2018-02-02 01:47:59, lat: -2.16537, lon: -79.92177, speed: 0.0, course: 0.0

thankU all yours

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

What is strange about it? You are using correct port and protocol.