problem in ignition status in TK103

John William6 years ago

i am using tk103 protocol. i am getting igntion false even when motion is true and speed is more than 1.

This is only happens when Odometer is not receiving from protocol (hs3 attribute is there instead of odometer)


Below case it's working fine.


And also I want to know what is the attribute "hs3" ?

Please help me to sort out the issue.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

To check decoding I would need corresponding HEX samples and protocol documentation. As for "hs", it's probably also from some documentation.

John William6 years ago


Please find the details below :

DEBUG: [0ADA53F8: 5002 <] HEX: 283031393335383730343236304252303031383037323541323330302e303935374e30373233352e32373438453033322e3431323039323138372e35383030313130303136364c3030304439373739292018-07-25 12:09:59  WARN: Geocoding failed - Empty address - GeocoderException (JsonGeocoder:69 < *:34 < *:96 < ...)
2018-07-25 12:09:59  INFO: [0ADA53F8] id: 019358704260, time: 2018-07-25 12:09:21, lat: 23.00160, lon: 72.58791, speed: 17.5, course: 87.6
2018-07-25 12:09:59  WARN: Empty address
DEBUG: [0ADA53F8: 5002 <] HEX: 283031393335383730343236304252303031383037323541323330302e303839334e30373233352e33303831453033342e343132313131323237322e383630313130303135454c303030443938343829
2018-07-25 12:11:17  WARN: Geocoding failed - Empty address - GeocoderException (JsonGeocoder:69 < *:34 < *:96 < ...)
2018-07-25 12:11:17  INFO: [0ADA53F8] id: 019358704260, time: 2018-07-25 12:11:12, lat: 23.00149, lon: 72.58847, speed: 18.6, course: 272.9
2018-07-25 12:11:17  WARN: Empty address
2018-07-25 12:11:18

Download Protocol documentation from following link :

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

First message doesn't match provided documentation.

John William6 years ago


The actual concern is not with "hs3" parameter but ignition and motion.

You can go through provided HEX code for your reference as you can see there is ignition FALSE even when motion is TRUE. I don't know how this is happening.

Please help me out for this situation.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

I can help you only if correct protocol documentation is provided, or official explanation from device vendor on why it doesn't match.

John William6 years ago


I tried to decoded hexcode in Traccar hex decoder as per below and find both hex return ignition (ACC) as true. However in positions table I got the wrong value.


As per the protocol document 8th digit from "L" considered as Ignition (i.e. 01100166)


(i.e. 0110015E)

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

In first example why are you using 01100166 and not 00110016?

John William6 years ago


According to document if we count 8 characters from L than we are getting 01100166 string.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, please break down whole message into separate fields according to the documentation.

John William6 years ago


The following is decoded hex code and it's break down:


019358704260 - DeviceID
180725 - Time
A - The availability of GPS data
2300.0957 - Latitude
N - Latitude indicator
07235.2748 - Longitude
E - Longitude indicator
032.4 - Longitude indicator
120921 - Time
87.580 - Orientation
01100166 - IO State
L - Milepost
000D9779 - Mile data

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

The problem was with orientation field. I have fixed it:

John William6 years ago

Hello Tananaev,

Thank you for your assistance.

I have gone through fixed file in same protocol. May I know where I need to put "src/org/traccar/protocol/" file in my traccar server (linux) ?

Please guide me through on the same. I am using Traccar 3.17 Version as of now.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You need to compile the server. You can't simply replace a file.

John William6 years ago

Can you please guide how to compile it with intellij idea for linux server and which file need to replace after compile ?