Problem with tracking vehicle

gLeW3 years ago

Hi I have a problem, I am new and I am testing traccar.

I see that when a vehicle moves the route marked by traccar is not the correct one, I imagine it is due to the amount of time it sends data to the server.

How can I make that more correct ???

Is there a way to configure it to send every X amount of minutes, or every X meters ???

For example 5 Minutes and / or 30 Meters

So if the vehicle does not move, send your location home 5 minutes, but if the vehicle moves more than 30 meters, send the location every 30 meters that it moves.


bristol4063 years ago

The sending of data to the Traccar server is a function of your tracker device. You need to look at configuring your device to send data records at intervals that you define. Every 30 metres seems a little excessive. My tracker sends every 30 seconds which gives a reasonably smooth route without using a lot of data traffic.

gLeW3 years ago

Thanks for the prompt response.

Is there a way to combine, time and distance, so that I send according to the one that is fulfilled first ???

I have everything installed in Cell phones, and they spend a lot of time still so that I send every 30 seconds is too much.

My idea would be about 3 minutes or 100 meters.


gLeW3 years ago
bristol4063 years ago

Sending every 100m would at At 60kph send a data record every 6 seconds.