Push Notification Sound on Traccar Manager IOS & Android

Joan5 years ago

After I generate and upload the apps ( ios / android) configuring Firebase and receiving text alert messages ...
I find that there is no sound when a push is received on both, Android and IOS

Seems the push from server is sent without the following parameter (in JSON: "sound": "default"). It's possible?
Server installation should send the 'sound' param to get soundly notified....

Any way / manual to activate this?
Where is the JSON generated for the push?
Is it necessary to recompile the server after changes?


( sorry form my english)

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

We don't include sound. You would need to change Java code to include it and re-compile the project.

Joan5 years ago

Tks Anton

I think this is the file that should be modified -> https://github.com/traccar/traccar/blob/master/src/org/traccar/notificators/NotificatorFirebase.java

I think that, in future revisions, it would be interesting if it could be activated / deactivated in configuration files

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Feel free to send a pull request.

Hi Anton,

I have compiled the manager but there is no sound with firebase notifications. Could you be so kind and tell us what we should have to do to get sound with notifications?

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Read firebase documentation. I don't know the answer off the top of my head.

I thought you know, it is little confusing in firebase docs. I do not know where to start.

Hello, Vladimir Veselinović, did you manage to solve it?

For those who keep seeking about it. The push notification sound issue is solved with the new version. 4.14 for me at the time.