Receiving data frames from D7C Chinese GPS watch

Juan Márquez5 years ago

Try watch protocol in 5096 port.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Juan, watch protocol is port 5093, and as I said, it's NOT watch protocol.

Juan Márquez5 years ago

Sorry, my mistake, is 5093, Marc should try this one first.

Marc Vallribera5 years ago

Yes. That's the port I'm using.
It seems Q750 and D7C are using a new protocol.

Marc Vallribera5 years ago

I finally found the problem. These new watches (like the Q750 or the Wondex GW100) send the information encrypted. You need a private key to decrypt the data. The private key must be bought to the maker of the watch.
So it is not possible to use them with traccar, unless you have the private key.