Seeking help regarding Traccar's Database

Pawbud alt9 months ago

I want to add a new field over here. The string in this field should persist in the database, and I figured out that I should add a column with respect to the name of the field into the table entry as shown in this model. My doubt is, how can I access the database to do so ? Moreover, I believe Traccar uses Liquibase to change the database schema, I made relevant changes to changelog-master.xml by adding

<addColumn tableName="table_name"><column name="var_name" type="VARCHAR(512)" /></addColumn>

Now I wonder how I can apply these changes after viewing the database.

I am using the embedded h2 database provided by default in traccar and use the h2 console, but I cannot find the user settings that I saved, for example the phone number which is entered here

Track-trace9 months ago

How about using mysql as database and for instance phpmyadmin to edit the database.

Pawbud alt9 months ago

Will try that, thanks !! If I have any issues, will let you know :)