Server receives correct data from E3+ device (easytrack protocol) but can't decode

gustavofarias3 years ago

I have this E3+ device that uses easytrack protocol.
Server log shows that device is sending data almost every minute to the server.
In the log I can see only the HEX data, there is no additional line decoding the data.
I decoded the message myself and can assure that it is correct, has the id (SN), lat, lon. It is not only correct, but the GPS data is also correct, point to the exact location.
The log doesn't show any additional error. So why Traccar shows the device as always offline?

Some examples of the messages the server receives. Most are TX and HB messages:

The only thing that seems a bit strange is the date and time parts of the messages. They seem outdated. But, as traccar is not ignoring them by filtering, I can't see why the device doesn't show in green in the screen.

Anton Tananaev3 years ago
  1. What server version?
  2. Please provide logs.
gustavofarias3 years ago

Traccar 4.8

2021-02-03 00:02:59  INFO: [117332a1: easytrack < ***.***.*51.40] HEX: 2a45542c********************39393133302c54582c412c3135303230332c30333032334223

2021-02-03 00:03:00  INFO: [117332a1: easytrack < ***.***.*51.40] HEX: 2a45542c********************39393133302c48422c412c3135303230332c3033303233422c********304433342c********423139302c303030302c344332432c30303830303030302c32382c3130302c30302c30303030303039332c3135392c303530393038303430302c303030303030303030302c303030302c31312e39342c3423
Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I would recommend upgrading first. Then if it still doesn't work, we would need proper full messages for testing.

gustavofarias3 years ago

Upgrading to 4.12 solved the issue. easytrack protocol had been recently updated to support E3. Thanks