show registered device "id" in table

Cristian3 years ago

greetings to all,
install traccar with sql, I would like to show (add) in the web interface a column with the ID (1,4,5,13, ​​...), in the "devices" section ... how can I do it in a way easy?

Thank you!

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It should be really easy to add another column in the code.

Cristian3 years ago

I imagine, that was what I was looking for ... today I see it through the api / devices
I would like you to show it on the web, I am looking for documentation to be able to add more info ..... I am starting in this
Thank you

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

I would recommend checking ExtJS documentation.

Cristian3 years ago

tks anton!