Sinocastel IDD-213GD not continuous reported ignition status

Theerayuttua year ago

Has anyone ever used Sinocastel IDD-213GD and found that the ignition status is not continuous reported. sometimes sent but sometime not. making it impossible to calculate the hours value.
anyone have any suggestions for solutions or not?

ignition reported

  "sat": 15,
  "odometer": 1511171,
  "tripOdometer": 449578,
  "fuelConsumption": 446,
  "ignition": true,
  "status": 262660,
  "distance": 0,
  "totalDistance": 100283.58,
  "motion": false,
  "hours": 360000
deviceTime: "2023-05-14T02:55:54.567+00:00"

Next time not reported

  "sat": 15,
  "odometer": 1511171,
  "tripOdometer": 450963,
  "fuelConsumption": 446,
  "status": 262660,
  "distance": 1.11,
  "totalDistance": 100284.69,
  "motion": false,
  "hours": 360000
deviceTime: 2023-05-14T02:56:19.000+00:00
Anton Tananaeva year ago

You can use attribute copying to take the last known value.

Theerayuttua year ago

Hi Anton,
Can you example for expression to get last value?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

It's not an expression. It's a configuration parameter.

Theerayuttua year ago

Do you mean config parameter in configuration file on server?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Yes. Check the documentation.

Theerayuttua year ago

Thank you.

Theerayuttua year ago

Found this one, I'll try it out, thanks again.

processing.copyAttributes.enable config

Enable copying of missing attributes from last position to the current one. Might be useful if device doesn't send some values in every message.