Support for biometric authentication

Greetings, I just installed version 5.4 of traccar when entering the app I did not have the option "Support for biometric authentication" and inside I do not see how to activate it.

Could you help me how to use this option?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It's enabled automatically.

I have an iphone 12 and it does not present me with the option, the home screen is the same, it only has the option to start a normal session

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Please record a full video.

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

You logged out, which resets the biometric value. You shouldn't logout. You should just close the app.

ok, when I close the application and go back in I can't see that I get the face id screen which would be the biometric part but I can see that unlike the previous version even if I close the app I don't have to re-enter the password although I don't get the face id.

Do you have a video that you can share with me of how it works on your side?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

I don't have a video. You can restart the server to kill the session. Then you'll have to re-login.

Bigshark2 years ago

Hi, i am using iphone 13 and can`t use face id autentication. Tryed in 5.3 and 5.4 version of traccar and 3.1 of traccar manager for ios.
Anton can you tell us how do it? Do I have to change something on the server? Do I have to program any code? Or simply with the traccar manager app it should already work?.

Bigshark2 years ago

it worked for me!!!!
I have deleted the app and reinstalled
I have restarted the server
I have opened the app and I have logged in
I have closed the app that was in the background
I have had to open and close the app three times so that now the face id works for me

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

It could mean that the old app was cached. Reinstalling the mobile app should help.