talKKonnect - Mumble PTT client for Raspberry Pi supporting Traccar

zoran_d2 years ago

Hello Anton and Traccar community,

I just wanted to let you know that anybody looking to run a Traccar client on Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi or other single board computer with Linux, now has viable alternative to running an old tralnx code, mentioned here in the forum. talKKonnect is a “headless” Mumble client based on Gumble library written in Golang by Tim Cooper. In addition, it is a fork of very popular talkiepi project from Daniel Chote, but it has gone further in developing practical features. Designer of talKKonnect is Suvir Kumar in Thailand, with a little help of his team. talKKonnect has been actively developed since 2018.

One of the features in talKKonnect is a support for GNSS UART serial devices and ability to work as a Traccar client. The three supported tracking protocols in talKKonnect are OsmAnd, T55 and OpenGTS.

Article detailing talKKonnect working as Traccar client is here,
You could say that, Mumble has “officially” been “married” with Traccar, with talKKonnect’s help? As a result, it is perfectly possible to build a compact single board GPS tracking device with PTT (Push to Talk) voice communication and many additional signaling functions that talKKonnect supports, as an added bonus. Rich features in talKKonnect can be turned on and off as needed. talKKonnect is highly configurable. It is a "Swiss knife" like framework for PTT communications giving users a lot of freedom.

talKKonnect can be controlled through GPIO, http api functions or MQTT and supports several types of displays. It primarily runs with a Linux “screen” program in the background. talKKonnect can also be built on top of any other Linux and x86_64 platforms, not just Raspberry Pi OS or Armbian with ARM, however without GPIO support, unless the hardware supports it.

I hope that some of the Traccar users will also like what talKKonnect is offering and would like to take a device with both Traccar GPS tracking and Mumble PTT voice communication in one, for a drive sometimes and find this integration concept useful?


lightseeker2 years ago

I am very interested in this but have limited understanding when it comes to coding. It seems to me that any company that could develop a product that would utilize the Traccar client with a small development board such as the Orage or Zero would have the market cornered. Currently China is having issues with Wi-Fi tracking in the US. A device such as a Raberry Pi that can utilize Wi-Fi tracking would be some of the most accurate in the world. The fact that a decent tracker can use GPS along with elevation can integrate with Google Earth and pinpoint a location within a building. That is true asset tracking. Is there such a thing a available?