The column Type by exporting event report shows the variable name

Ferchoes7 years ago

Hello Anton,
I generate the event report and works fine, i can see all events and specially the type event string looks perfect. But when I export the report, the column "Type" in the file xlsx contains a different text (I think it displays the variable name and not the string in the variable). Bug?

Thanks in advance

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Please be more specific. What does it show in both places?

Ferchoes7 years ago

In the web ui, when the report event is displayed, the colum "Type" contains for example : Device is moving, Command result, Device has stopped, etc Now when i click to export, the generated xlsx file contains in the column "Type" respectively: deviceMoving, commandResult, deviceStopped.

What i mean is that in the exported file xlsx should be also displayed: Device is moving, Command result, Device has stopped.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

That's a limitation of excel export. It doesn't have access to localisation files.

Ferchoes7 years ago

Anton, Thanks for the explanation.... do you would consider this limitation as a feature request for a next release or would it be not?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

You can submit a feature request on GitHub for it.

abyss7 years ago

I could not do it in good way.
I've tried to use VLOOKUP function, but did not make it work with values directly, like $[VLOOKUP("$event.type", strings!A2:B17, 2, FALSE)] but managed to work it with other column. The first problem that jxls do not copy hidden state of column when processing. Just made it 1 pixel width.The second one, that it is not possible to hide sheets.
Here is my experiments

Even if I made "strings" sheet hidden, it become unhidden.