TK208 Bad Data

Hey all, I'd greatly appreciate some help with a TK208 tracker I bought.

So far I can get it to give correct co-ordinates via SMS so I know mobile and GPS are all working fine.
I've got it connected to port 5013 which is what the vendor reccomended (I've tried a few others but it doesn't work at all on them).
It picks up the ID for the tracker but originally the data was being rejected for being in the future.
I removed the future filter for debugging and can see all the data is incorrect.

2018-06-21 21:53:27 DEBUG: [EFEBA6BE: 5013 <] HEX: 242400636450703148727499553231353332362c412c333734322e373635332c532c31343530302e323330312c452c3030302c3132372c3231303631387c31322e327c3139347c303030307c303030302c303030307c303030303039373231fe460d0a
2018-06-21 21:53:27  WARN: Data truncation: Incorrect datetime value: '2105-04-15 22:31:48' for column 'devicetime' at row 1 - MysqlDataTruncation (... < QueryBuilder:477 < DataManager:452 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2018-06-21 21:53:27  INFO: [EFEBA6BE] id: 2400636450, time: 2105-04-15 22:31:48, lat: 55.53856, lon: 324.05402, speed: 333.0, course: 734.0

It's making me think it's actually not H02 protocol but some other one but I can't seem to get it to work at all on other ports.

Any help greatly appreciated.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

It's not H02 protocol.

Hi Anton,

That was what I suspected but the vendor was insistent. If you could guide me towards the right one I'd greatly appreciate it.

Hi Anton,

I did spend a couple of days trying to work this out before posting here but finally got it. It's meiligao on port 5009 for anybody stumbling across this later.