
gromka9 years ago

I start test your soft Traccar and I think that tracking device TR-151 about low battery message is not get in gprs mode (in message this code is $imei,14,.....) or i mistake.
Best regards,

Anton Tananaev9 years ago

Please provide logs (tracker-server.log).

gromka9 years ago
2015-07-27 01:20:30 DEBUG: [5043 <-] - HEX: 243335373234383031343532313230312c31372c332c3236303731352c3232323033382c4530323333362e353032382c4e353635372e353936352c32392e302c302e30392c302e30302c362c312e343521
2015-07-27 01:20:30  INFO: device: 60, time: Mon Jul 27 01:20:38 EEST 2015, lat: 56.959941666666666, lon: 23.60838
2015-07-27 01:20:32 DEBUG: [5043 <-] - HEX: 243335373234383031343532313230312c31372c332c3236303731352c3230323030362c4530323333362e353139312c4e353635372e363030302c2d392e392c302e30302c302e30302c382c312e3138210d0a
2015-07-27 06:20:23 DEBUG: [5043 <-] - HEX: 243335373234383031343532313230312c31362c332c3237303731352c3033323033312c4530323335302e323237342c4e353635372e353137392c2d322e372c35302e32362c36392e35332c382c312e303421
2015-07-27 06:20:34 DEBUG: [5043 <-] - HEX: 243335373234383031343532313230312c31362c332c3237303731352c3033323034332c4530323335302e353234382c4e353635372e353833352c2d342e352c35342e34332c36382e33302c382c312e303421
2015-07-27 06:20:44 DEBUG: [5043 <-] - HEX: 243335373234383031343532313230312c31362c332c3237303731352c3033323035322c453


Anton Tananaev9 years ago

It looks like you are using old version of Traccar. I would recommend to update to the latest one.

As for low battery, your device doesn't seem to send that info.

gromka9 years ago

WOW! You rely fast! Thanks. At this time i know about logs - and I check that way.
Best regards, спасибо

gromka7 years ago

Good morning,
I start test a new version of Traccar and found that TR-151 in positions no more history, only events: start, online etc...
Or I do something wrong?

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Events are events. Positions are in the route report.

gromka7 years ago

OK. During the two days of events was 49, but only 6 positions. On routes including only the end points, intermediate points is not what was version 2.2.
Print screan

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

That's not a Traccar problem. It shows everything that your device reported. If it's only 6 positions, it means that your device reported only 6 of them.

gromka7 years ago

Sorry, I have installed two version Traccar 2.2 and 3.10 on Mysql DB. I only change the ip address (other server) on devices. I this problem found 1,5 year ago, but haved no time solve that, and use last Traccar server 2.2. I'll try other device and I will inform about results.

I remembered about log :) :

2017-04-05 07:27:50 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31372c332c3035303431372c3034323735302c4530323331382e303636312c4e353535352e383332382c3132302e342c302e30392c3235382e33372c382c312e303621
2017-04-05 07:27:51  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC5\xB3 aps...' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:27:51  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:27:50, lat: 55.93055, lon: 23.30110, speed: 0.1, course: 258.4
2017-04-05 07:37:29 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c32342c312c3035303431372c3034323735302c4530323331382e303636312c4e353535352e383332382c3132302e342c302e30392c3235382e33372c382c312e303621
2017-04-05 07:37:29  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:27:50, lat: 55.93055, lon: 23.30110, speed: 0.1, course: 258.4
2017-04-05 07:37:40 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333733392c4530323331382e303634342c4e353535352e383234372c3131372e392c342e36392c3133362e34352c392c302e393321
2017-04-05 07:37:41  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC5\xB3 aps...' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:37:41  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:37:39, lat: 55.93041, lon: 23.30107, speed: 4.7, course: 136.5
2017-04-05 07:37:50 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333735302c4530323331382e313432322c4e353535352e373837342c3131352e332c31392e37332c3133312e34302c392c302e393721
2017-04-05 07:37:50  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC5\xB3 aps...' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:37:50  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:37:50, lat: 55.92979, lon: 23.30237, speed: 19.7, course: 131.4
2017-04-05 07:38:00 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333830302c4530323331382e313532342c4e353535352e373539332c3131352e342c32302e32312c3231362e35332c382c312e333421
2017-04-05 07:38:00  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x8Diaus...' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:00  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:00, lat: 55.92932, lon: 23.30254, speed: 20.2, course: 216.5
2017-04-05 07:38:10 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333831302c4530323331382e303934332c4e353535352e373139342c3130322e322c352e31302c3232382e31362c392c302e393721
2017-04-05 07:38:10  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:10  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:10, lat: 55.92866, lon: 23.30157, speed: 5.1, course: 228.2
2017-04-05 07:38:20 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333832302c4530323331382e313331352c4e353535352e363939372c3131302e372c32322e33302c3133302e36362c392c302e393721
2017-04-05 07:38:20  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:21  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:20, lat: 55.92833, lon: 23.30219, speed: 22.3, course: 130.7
2017-04-05 07:38:30 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333833312c4530323331382e323432362c4e353535352e363530342c3130352e302c32342e31322c3132372e30352c392c302e393721
2017-04-05 07:38:31  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:31  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:31, lat: 55.92751, lon: 23.30404, speed: 24.1, course: 127.1
2017-04-05 07:38:40 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333834302c4530323331382e333037322c4e353535352e363230362c3130382e342c31302e38342c3134302e34302c392c302e393721
2017-04-05 07:38:40  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:40  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:40, lat: 55.92701, lon: 23.30512, speed: 10.8, course: 140.4
2017-04-05 07:38:52 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333835312c4530323331382e323930372c4e353535352e353937332c3130332e332c322e33352c3230362e36352c392c302e393621
2017-04-05 07:38:52  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:38:52  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:38:51, lat: 55.92662, lon: 23.30485, speed: 2.4, course: 206.7
2017-04-05 07:39:34 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 243335373234383031343532313238342c31362c332c3035303431372c3034333930332c4530323331382e323835352c4e353535352e353839382c3130382e382c31312e36302c3231332e36322c392c302e393621
2017-04-05 07:39:35  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:39:35  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:39:03, lat: 55.92650, lon: 23.30476, speed: 11.6, course: 213.6
2017-04-05 07:39:35 DEBUG: [FAF3959E: 5043 <] HEX: 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
2017-04-05 07:39:35  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:39:35  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:39:03, lat: 55.92650, lon: 23.30476, speed: 11.6, course: 213.6
2017-04-05 07:39:35  WARN: Incorrect string value: '\xC4\x97s g....' for column 'address' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:473 < DataManager:296 < DefaultDataHandler:27 < ...)
2017-04-05 07:39:35  INFO: [FAF3959E] id: 357248014521284, time: 2017-04-05 07:39:03, lat: 55.92650, lon: 23.30476, speed: 11.6, course: 213.6
gromka7 years ago

Hi again,
I tested device with wondex protocol and found that all its ok. I think there is problem with globalsat protocol.

Anton Tananaev7 years ago

Error in your log mean that you have some problem with character encoding. Search on the forum for the solution. It has been discussed a few times before.

gromka7 years ago

Thank you, I go do that