tracar sms android dont' work

regis10 months ago

I am using traccar sms gateway on android, as recommended for use via rest api, sending sms is not working, although the post returns status code 200 (ok)

i am post

with parameters in the headers:

  • notificator.types = web,mail,sms
  • authorization = (android app token)

and in body json : {"to":"+551190001234","message":"test2"}

still it doesn't work

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

What token are you using?

regis10 months ago

Hi ... I am using token on app android version 5.6, in gateway configuration, local service and enable service is true

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

Does it work if you do it from Traccar server?

regis10 months ago

I don't tried on server, because I work on android

Anton Tananaev10 months ago

My recommendation would be to try it through Traccar because we know that it works for many people without any issues.

regis10 months ago

Hi, I would like to try it on Android and would appreciate your help