traccar geolocation and notification

Raj5 years ago

Hi Team,

I have traccar setup on centos7. I have created 3 devices and a geolocation point. Now I am trying to set notifications. The default user, whose email address I have changed gets the notifications but other users that I have created don`t seem to get them. How can I get certain users to get notification of a specific goelocation entered and exited in the morning and afternoon respectively



Ernesto Vallejo5 years ago

Same here, this post doesn't belong here. Please carefully read documentation in order for you to understand how to assign notifications to users.

trackinguser4455 years ago

what settings do you have enabled inside the vps?

trackinguser4455 years ago

anton: is it possible to customize the code for a vps to have 1 smtp server handle notifications to lets say, 25 email addresses for a specific event? I am aware of some forwarding services for email as well, such as one email goes to a inbox and then it forwards to 25 addresses. This feature may be useful.