traccar location accuracy

Raj5 years ago

Hi Team,

I have traccar setup on centos 7. I got a user to put in on his android phone. On the map I can see him travelling but instead of staying on the road, it seems as if he is going through field in a straigh line from point A to B. I have got him to change the reporting on the app to 30 seconds but this does not seems to help a lot. is there a way to get the reporting to bemore more accurate.



Ernesto Vallejo5 years ago

Check this link.

Raj5 years ago

Hiya, I have already change the settings so that the traccar app does not get optimised and stopped but it still is not very accurate

trackinguser4455 years ago

one step in troubleshooting is to restart all services, or reboot vps/os.

Raj5 years ago

have done so already :-(