Traccar Manager iOS

Wanderson3 years ago

Hello, I have a problem with traccar-manager-ios I made the project in firebase, added the .plist file, added my account and bundle identifier, generated the push notifications certificate, installed the dependencies on cocoapods and the wheel app receives the token from the server but the push notification option in the iphone setting does not appear and is enabled in capabilities... can anyone help me? Where am I going wrong?

Olá, estou com um problema no traccar-manager-ios fiz o projeto no firebase, adicionei o arquivo .plist, adicionei minha conta e bundle identifier, gerei o certificado de push notificacoes, instalei as dependencias no cocoapods e o app roda recebe o token do servidor mas a opcao de notificação de push no ajuste do iphone nao aparece e esta ativa em capabilities.. alguem pode me ajudar? Onde estou errando?


Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It sounds like you are doing the right things, so I don't know why it's not working. It probably requires actually looking at the code and maybe debugging it.

By the way, why do you have two user accounts?

Wanderson3 years ago

The app runs, but does not ask for permission for notifications should be asked here "application.registerForRemoteNotifications()" correct? About the account, I don't even know the reason I realized now that I have one logged in on my cell phone and another on my computer... Feel free to delete it ☝️! Thanks.