Traccar Manager - White Screen - Android 14

Gimpy5 months ago

As the title says, all I see in the app is a white screen now, no error message or anything.

Google Pixel 6 Pro
Android 14

Steps Tried
Multiple Restarts
Multiple Forced Closes on the App
Multiple Unistalls w/ Clearing Cache
Multiple Re-Installs

Image of Screen

Any help would be great.


Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Does it work in a browser on the same device?

Gimpy5 months ago

Yes it does.

Anton Tananaev5 months ago

Then it should work the same way. Have you cleared the app data?

Gimpy5 months ago

ok so I logged in through the browser then opened the app and it prompted me for a login...a little weird but its working now.


Gimpy5 months ago

I did clear the app data earlier but it might not have taken