Tracker sends zero coordinates

Secrieru Victor10 months ago

The server writes them to the database and marks them as invalid.

Valid = false

At the same time, this point is involved in the construction of the trip. On the map is the first point in the Atlantic.
If you remove it from the base, then everything is fine.

Track-trace10 months ago

Easier to set it through server config.
config xml file
Filter zero coordinates. Zero latitude and longitude are theoretically valid values, but it practice it usually indicates invalid GPS data.

Secrieru Victor10 months ago

Valid = false.
Why does it participate in the construction of the trip?

Track-trace10 months ago

When its position is based on a geolocation server.

(When there is no gps, if configured, traccar will contact a geolocation server and request a position based on cell towers and possibly wifi mac address). The geolocating server returns a position (which is not a valid gps postion)

Secrieru Victor10 months ago

Thanks for the answer