Unknown account - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:253 < *:441 < SessionResource:104 < ...)

mohamed_fadol3 years ago

thank's adv :)
when dump mysql from restore traccar.sql and logoin with restored (email.password) get above title , what the problem ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

Have you restarted the server?

mohamed_fadol3 years ago

thanks Anton for reply :)
No .
should restart it ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

When you change database directly - YES.

mohamed_fadol3 years ago

thanks @Anton

i got this message

Incorrect string value: '\xD8\xA7\xD9\x84\xD9\x86...' for column 'name' at row 1 - SQLException (... < QueryBuilder:452 < DataManager:458 < BaseObjectManager:123 < ...)

, when i use Arabic alphabet ,
is mean error in dump ?

Anton Tananaev3 years ago

It probably means that your database is misconfigured. Make sure you enable UTF encoding on all the tables.

vlladik2 years ago

Антон, помогите пожалуйста. Все работало отлично и вдруг сервер перестал отвечать.

[2021-12-23 17:11:24  WARN: Authentication error - Unknown account - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:253 < SecurityRequestFilter:93 < ...)
2021-12-23 17:11:24  WARN: Authentication error - Unknown account - SecurityException (PermissionsManager:253 < SecurityRequestFilter:93 < ...)
2021-12-23 17:31:31  INFO: user: 10, action: login
2021-12-23 17:31:48  INFO: user: 10, report: summary, from: 2021-12-22 23:00, to: 2021-12-23 23:00, devices: [113], groups: []
2021-12-23 17:31:48  INFO: user: 10, report: trips, from: 2021-12-22 23:00, to: 2021-12-23 23:00, devices: [113], groups: []
2021-12-23 17:57:54  INFO: user: 5, action: login
2021-12-23 19:32:35  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 19:32:35  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2021-12-23 19:32:35  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-12-23 19:32:36  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2021-12-23 19:42:44  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 19:42:44  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2021-12-23 19:42:45  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-12-23 19:42:45  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2021-12-23 19:43:37 ERROR: Main method error - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - MySQLTransactionRollbackException (... < DataManager:310 < *:90 < Context:299 < Main:137 < ...)
2021-12-23 19:43:47  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 19:43:47  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2021-12-23 19:43:48  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-12-23 19:43:49  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2021-12-23 19:44:40 ERROR: Main method error - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - MySQLTransactionRollbackException (... < DataManager:310 < *:90 < Context:299 < Main:137 < ...)
2021-12-23 19:44:51  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 19:44:51  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2021-12-23 19:44:51  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-12-23 19:44:52  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2021-12-23 19:45:43 ERROR: Main method error - Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction - MySQLTransactionRollbackException (... < DataManager:310 < *:90 < Context:299 < Main:137 < ...)
2021-12-23 19:45:54  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 19:45:54  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.]
Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Have you tried restarting the database?

vlladik2 years ago

Я полностью сервер перезагружал, не помогло.

2021-12-23 22:38:25  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2021-12-23 22:38:25  WARN: Registered driver with driverClassName=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver was not found, trying direct instantiation.
2021-12-23 22:38:25  INFO: HikariPool-1 - Start completed.
2021-12-23 22:38:26  INFO: Clearing database change log checksums
2021-12-23 22:38:26  INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2021-12-23 22:38:36  INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
2021-12-23 22:38:46  INFO: Waiting for changelog lock....
vlladik2 years ago

Я могу вас попросить подключится к моему серверу и починить. Я оплачу.
Как можно с вами связаться?

Anton Tananaev2 years ago

Пишите в саппорт.