Unknown gt06S H08E device

thiagoa year ago

Hi guys, I am new to this whole GPS thing. Got a scooter for my wife and set a traccar server on personal cloud.

I bought a misterious GPS tracker from eBay, which just has the IMEI and H08E written on the box. I have tried sending several different commands to it and I noticed it accepts the check123456 and adminip123456 <server ip> <server port> commands, but so far, nothing else.

The device always sends the exact reply for every message that I send. For SMS I noticed it ignored invalid messages or messages with the wrong password, using traccar's "send custom command" feature, I can see in the logs that the devices replies with the exact same string to any command, valid or not.

This is the constant reply template:

ID:[imei] ip:[server ip]:[server port] apn:[apn name] user:[apn user] pwd:[apn password]
stim:15 tim:60 gt06S csq:22 r:ok t:ok p:V H08ESGMANV_220919A

There are 2 interesting things in this reply, first the gt06S string, which was a good hint of the protocol the device used and I was able to make it work using the gt06's port 5023. The other is the H08E... string, which maybe means a product id with a 220919A firmware version/revision. But that is all I was able to gather about this device so far.

Neither of these strings return anything useful from a google search, so I know it's a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone else has any other advice on how I can get more information about this device and other commands it might accept. I am particularly interested in the engine stop/resume commands, it is connected using 4 wires: red=power, black=ground, orange=ACC/Ignition On, yellow=?. The traccar server is able to detect ignition based on the signal input on the orange wire, and I think yellow is supposed to control a relay or something, but it measures constant 0 volts regardless of what I do, so I have not been able to figure out how to trigger an immobilization of the vehicle through this.

I have tried sending commands like:

Via SMS, there's no response and through the TCP socket using traccar's custom command and the response is always the same (pasted above). Any help is appreciated.

If you read until here, thank you very much for your time!

Kindest regards.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

If it's GT06 based, you can also try these commands:

  • DYD,123456#
  • HFYD,123456#
  • DYD#
  • HFYD#
Hieua year ago

Hi there,

I seem to be having the same device and same issue as the OP. It seems any SMS command whether it's valid or not returns the same SMS (below). The only SMS commands that seem to be working are apn123456+apn+user+password and adminip12346+ip+port.

ID:[imei] ip:[server ip]:[server port] apn:[apn name] user:[apn user] pwd:[apn password]
stim:15 tim:60 gt06S csq:22 r:ok t:ok p:V H08ESG_220926A

I've tried all commands mentioned in previous posts to no avail. Can't even reset the device as it'll send the same SMS. Has anyone run into this issue?

Any help would be much appreciated.

HiDDeNa year ago

Hi guys,

I have the same issue... well not quite one unit functions as you described above the other does not respond to SMS commands at all. I get the same replies ending with.... H08ESG_220926A. my unit also fails to respond to factory reset or other commands other then apn command. Is this a fake? cheap chineese made rubish? Is there a way to hard reset the unit by shorting some pins? Also the connector and switch on the board what do they do?

Foxa year ago

Same device from Aliexpress. "H08ESG_220926A".
Seems like cheap clone.
Have unsoldered battery (LiFePo4, i think - charges battery more than 4.5v!. Or need BMS in battery) and power-on switch.
Same response for any command, sanded via SMS or through traccar interface.

Main view Mainboard top Mainboard bottom

thiagoa year ago

This really looks like my device. I have given up trying to troubleshoot it. I am moving it to my car, which does not require ignition cut-off and I am shopping for another device with a better implementation of a known protocol. I sorry I could not be more helpful to you guys.