Watch Protocol Decoder issue


Today i am trying with my other GPS tracker device which support watch protocol. However after configuring the device and the traccar server i have found that the device is showing wrong location. Below is the server log

2019-01-30 17:20:27  WARN: Unknown device - 6209060003 (
2019-01-30 17:20:28  INFO: [69aca50f: 5093 <] HEX: 5b33472a363230393036303030332a303041322a414c2c3033303131392c3037343030332c562c32332e3738323136332c4e2c39302e343137333836372c452c302e30302c302e302c302e302c302c3130302c39382c36393236362c302c36323633383239322c352c3235352c3437302c322c39322c333536352c3135382c39322c313230392c3134372c39322c313334302c3134342c39322c31393433332c3133392c39322c333330352c3133372c302c37392e345d
2019-01-30 17:20:28  WARN: Unknown device - 6209060003 (
2019-01-30 17:20:31  INFO: [69aca50f: 5093 <] HEX: 5b33472a363230393036303030332a303041322a414c2c3034303131392c3131323430372c2c32332e3738323136332c4e2c39302e343137333836372c452c302e30302c302e302c302e302c302c3130302c31392c36393237352c302c30303032303030312c352c3235352c3437302c322c39322c333536352c3136372c39322c313334302c3133352c39322c313230392c3133352c39322c31393433332c3133342c39322c34323937322c3133342c302c37392e345d
2019-01-30 17:20:31  WARN: Unknown device - 6209060003 (

2019-01-30 17:28:35  INFO: [8abf98e8] id: 6209060003, time: 1970-01-01 06:00:00, lat: 0.00000, lon: 0.00000, course: 0.0

However if we decode the Hex received data from the tracker device it gives us the lat and lon ; but in the traccar server it shows lat and lon 0000

Decode by Hex decoder


Please need your advice.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

You removed the most important part from the log. Where is the actual HEX corresponding to the decoded message?