web server no carga....

URLEY REY5 years ago

hola amigos....

actualmente uso traccar 4.2 en su version original con mysql, pero cierto periodo de tiempo (10 a 12horas) mi servidor deja de ingresar al acceso web y cuando revisa la consola de logs, me aparece esta info:

WARN: An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of the pipeline. It usually means the last handler in the pipeline did not handle the exception. - Too many open files - IOException (...)

agradezco de antemano sus valiosos comentarios para darle solucion a este conflicto.


Turbovix5 years ago

Describing the part of the Mysql configuration, did you add or change anything else?

Another thing, if you use English, help will come faster!

Manuel Suárez5 years ago

Hola davis flechas buenos días lograste solucionar el error?? ya que tengo e mismo problema y no he encontrado solución

Leonar Ortiz5 years ago

Hi guys. I have exactly the same issue. With previous versions everything was ok, but just when I upgraded to 4.2 the issues started. I followed all the optimizations mentioned in the documentation and in forums with no success. I noticed I'm not alone. 4.2 Bug?