Traccar Client

"Send Failed" from Samsung Note 48 years agoJoeli013
Traccar Location Sharing8 years agotmiles0032
Android Client and sensorsa year agohardy7810
iOS background location service problem7 years agoljunokas8
Modify protocol8 years agoMarianna1
location update issue on server map8 years agoMAHESHGONDA5
High Battery usage at IOS Client9 years agoschorschie792
Traccar2.0 does not work on iOS 7.2.1 (on2of iPhones4)-need downgrade2Traccar1.69 years agoghost3
Traccar Client for Microsoft Phone...9 years agoDavid5
Timezone issue9 years agoanilmathewm2
Inaccurate GPS Fixes and ways to solve them.8 years agoabrileroux4
Is there a way to set start/stop time of tracking?9 years agochuxuanhy2
Traccar hidden client on a tablet9 years agospanner3
Suggestion: Implementing Polyline Simplification in Traccar Client7 years agobjarni24
Unique ID's and more, for smart devices9 years agoke5stl5