Implement workaround without compiling?

Cris6 years ago

Hello all,
greetings to Anton,

just wondering if there is a way to implement a github workaround (regarding message field length see: ) without compiling from source.
I have got traccar running on a VPS (ubuntu) but compiling from source simply goes over my head :| (without a step-by-step instruction I am lost).
So, just wondering if there is a way by just swapping a file or so... or perhaps in case some has done a compilation lately if it would be possible to share that at all?
Thanks for any suggestion!

Cris6 years ago

Well, sorry for the unnecessary request - got it working locally with IntelliJ as it is very well documented.

Just unsure now on what needs to be replaced in order to run the latest snapshot on a remote virtual server.

To my understanding it is:

However, I can not find either file locally... I am a bit lost here - any help is appreciated.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Are you using v3.14 tag? If yes, you just need to replace JAR file.

Cris6 years ago

Thanks - yes, running freshly installed v3.14 on VPS (ubuntu 16.04).
And locally (Zorin/ubuntu) the traccar-master version from github, however, I can not find the local file tracker-server.jar.
Is there something that needs to be done to generate it with IntelliJ ?
Or where should I look it for it?

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

OK, so the answer is actually NO. You are not using tag. I would recommend you to get source code from tag that matches your installed version, then merge fixes that you want to take there.

Cris6 years ago

I see. That goes a bit beyond my abilities.. probably better to wait for the next release then.
Thanks anyway!