Rename Io

macgiver766 years ago

Hi everyone, I'm not programming expert, I would like to know just how to rename the various IO states displayed.
I understood what the values of my Teltonika on the Traccar server are. I read the documentation and the forum but I did not understand how to do it.
Example, IO41 corresponds to RPM. How can I associate this?
Can you give me a step-by-step guide?
Thanks so much.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

You can use computed attributes for it:

macgiver766 years ago

Thanks, I read, but I could not figure out how to simply rename an attribute, as was done with Alias first.
I repeat, I am not an expert in programming and I am not clear what is written.
Thank you so much for your availability.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

Aliases are not available anymore. You can create a computed attribute (e.g. RPM) and hide original IO attribute. This would effectively work as a rename.

macgiver766 years ago

Yes, but I would like to understand step by step how to do it, I could not read the documentation of traccar.
If someone could help me ...
Thank you so much

macgiver766 years ago

for example I know for sure that io36 corresponds to RPM. Can someone tell me step-by-step how to make this value appear on the device state by replacing it with io36?
Thanks again and sorry for my ignorance on the subject. I will be happy to share with you the various io of the Teltonika FMB001 device.

Piotr6 years ago

Hi Anton,
how to hide original IO attribute. I can't find solution. After create computed attribute on the state panel i have two attribute with the same value, orginal and computed.

Anton Tananaev6 years ago

There is ui.hidePositionAttributes parameter for that in user attributes.

Jesus5 years ago

Hello all. I have the same question. Im using Traccar 4.2.
I'm trying to add a Custom Attribute because in the original parameter comes named as io25 and I want to make it appear as TEMP after multiply by 0.1.
Question, How I make the new TEMP attribute name appear?


Expresion.......:TEMPERATURE = io25 * 0.1

But it doesn't appear in the attribute table.

Thanks in advance for any help

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Your expression is incorrect. Why do you have assignment there?

Jesus5 years ago

Basically because I am not pretty sure, can you give me a little orientation. Because the documentation is not so clear to me.

Anton Tananaev5 years ago

Expression should just be something like io25 * 0.1.

Jesus5 years ago

Done, and still I can't see the TEMPERATURE parameter under the state table. when hit "?" to Check the Computed Attribute, it returns the right value, But I can't find the TEMPERATURE parameter anywhere.

Ronald8 months ago

Hi, I have the same problem. Could you help me?. I did it just like Jesus did, but it doesn't work for me. I'm also not a programming expert. I would appreciate his great help.