Regarding jetty web server

balraj sagar4 years ago

I want to try some changes in source code .I followed steps on this page ( )
its working properly and it can run in LOCALHOST

But iam not able to host the application

which other server instead of jetty its possible???
could u tellme.


Anton Tananaev4 years ago

You have asked same question several times. Please stop duplicating it before you get banned here. It's not possible to change servlet container without significant code modifications because Jetty is used for more than just hosting web app.

balraj sagar4 years ago


balraj sagar4 years ago

when iam run the traccar project in intellij idea it will directly started in localhost
i cant access the traccar ip as a public ip.
but iam not able to access the IP address in another computer ,
could you help me please regarding this problem