What level of performance the system delivers with postgres?

Gilvan Jra year ago

Hello everyone, I would like to know what level of performance the system delivers, for example, when I want to show all the locations 3 months behind a vehicle. Even using a database like postrgres?

Because we currently have a system that stores all our locations in a table, but it is impossible to make requests to query these locations.

We currently have an average of 2500 vehicles sending messages every 10 seconds.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

Why is it impossible to make requests? Are you sure you have the right indexes and use those indexes in your queries?

Nikolay a year ago

If I understand correctly you want to process 2500 x 6 x 60 x 24 x 30 x 3 records.

What do they present?

1_944_000_000 records?
Excel has a limit of 1_048_576 rows.

I don't think you have a problem with extracting this data, but with what to do with it afterwards.

Tony Shelvera year ago

As Anton says, check your indexes, and also execute a query plan to see if they are being used. Some databases require you to update stats or similar so that the query optimizer works correctly.

Also, how many records is that in total? I would execute a count, and then go from there.

I assume this is directly against the DB?

We have no problems executing that kind of query directly to the DB in Postgres, but we do consolidate our Traccar data into a separate DB along with the data from another tracking system, into a custom DB, where most of our querying is done.

You also want to look at the client tool / db client software is working. Some database client libraries by default retrieve data in a row by row manner, whereas the preferred method should be to retrieve in blocks of at least 100 records at a time.