How to Change Logo and Background in Modern interface

Anton Tananaeva year ago

From the command line.

kena year ago

Do you have a tutorial please or if not that expensive can you quote it for me but if the version changes its better i learn i think.

Anton Tananaeva year ago

We have a standard pricing for branding. See pricing section. If you want to go with the paid service, send us an email.

kena year ago

HI i installed npm install then cloned from git git clone --recursive
changed logo and re compiled by ./gradlew assemble i repalce traccar-server.jar from target to /opt/traccar
but still no change logo can you help

Anton Tananaeva year ago

You changed the web app, but then compiled the backend. Obviously it won't work. Please take your time and carefully read the documentation we have available on the website.

kena year ago

HI Anton can you point me out to where as i am trying all but can't seem to find the proper douments

Anton Tananaeva year ago
Josea year ago

I managed to compile and make the changes in the web interface with intelliJ and modify the web with VS and everything ran perfectly. I installed a vps with digital ocean. then I generate the .jar file but I realize that it weighs 134 Mb and the .jar that is in the VPS weighs 3.4 mb.

I replaced it anyway and when I enter the server it tells me 'Failed to fetch' error. can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Anton Tananaeva year ago

How is JAR related to the web app?

Josea year ago

but i can't just upload the web folder. in my VPS it's called modern but what i'm doing with the local server the files that are in moderm are totally different! i don't really want to modify anything in the backend only in the web interface. but for that i had to install the local backend and make the modifications. now what happens is that the folders and files are not the same in my vps with my local server! i know it's annoying that you have to deal with this but it's my last resort!

Anton Tananaeva year ago

but i can't just upload the web folder

This is a completely incorrect assumption. You need to take the compiled web app build folder and replace modern folder on the server with it.

Ashok Chandra8 months ago

@Anton Tananaev, I have same issue I have made changes in traccar-web. After reading your reply I checked almost all of the files in traccar source code but not find any page code like traccar-web.

Where is the pages code please provide some details.

Anton Tananaev8 months ago

What is the page code?

Ashok Chandra8 months ago

I want say, where is a code for login page or other page