404. Page not found when web port update

Jesus4 years ago


I have already installed in my PI the traccar server. It is working fine, but as soon as I update the web port by entering

<entry key='web.port'>9092</entry>

In conf/traccar.xml and reboot the server, it fails.
Going to my localhost:9092 get 404 page not found. And 8082 doesn't work (as expected).

Any light on this issue?
Thank you!

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

There must be some other issue with your config or installation, not related to the port.

Jesus4 years ago

But as soon as I this line, it start to work again.... so weird....

Jesus4 years ago

I have just installed from scratch again... But the same happens. A new installation is working by port 8082, but as soon as I edit traccar.xml with the new port 9092, it doesn't work

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

There must be something else different.

Jesus4 years ago

Okay, another new... I am using the default port and working in localhost(installation from scratch). If I forward the internal 8082 port to the external 9092 in my router to open it... It happens the same. Page not found... Sounds like it is not finding the path to web.. But trying to get the ip:9092/web/simple/index.html doesn't solve anything

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

What if you stop Traccar, do you get error 404?

Jesus4 years ago

If I stop the service.

Going to localhost:8082 I get an ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED as usual.

Going to my publicIP:9092 I get the page not found error... I can't understand :(

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Sounds like you have something else on port 9092, so the issue has nothing to do with Traccar.

Anton Tananaev4 years ago

Are you sure you even have public IP?

Jesus4 years ago

Yes... Sometime ago I had something there... But now it is already stopped. I'll recheck just in case. And yes, I am sure I have public IP

So many thanks, i guess the thing about something is in this port listening is the closest to the correct solution! :)

Jesus4 years ago

Yep! You were right, after a netstat scanning I found the process.... I stopped sometime ago, but I missed to disable from startup.

Thank you Anton and sorry for inconveniences. Traccar is properly working now!